Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

This is Mothers Day weekend and it always make me sad. This will be my 3rd Mothers Day without my Mom. She always like this day. She would make sure that she took care of her Mom and my Dads Mom but sadly they are all 3 gone now. She would be happy on this weekend because the baseball team that my middle son plays on is going to the state tournament and my oldest made the deans list at college again this semester and even my youngest son has made great strides to improve his grades. But if she were here she would tell me to quit feeling sorry for myself and take a look at what I have and be happy. So that is what I am doing. I have to many blessings to list them all but I am so glad that the good Lord above (and Mom too) are looking out for me and have given a husband and 3 great boys who make sure I have all the love I need. So Happy Mothers Day and May God Bless You!!

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